Add a Machine
Clone the setup from our GitHub Repository:
Clone this github repository via the following command:
Navigate to the script location:
Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where the add_machine.js script is saved. (It will be inside the add_machine folder of the cloned directory). Repository for the provider and the machine is the same.
Install Node Js and NPM:
Run the following command in your terminal to install node js and npm if they are not already installed.
Install Required Packages:
Run AddMachine Script:
Note: Replace <WALLET_ADDRESS> & <PRIVATE_KEY> with your specific values
<WALLET ADDRESS> is the EVM address of the provider wallet. <PRIVATE_KEY> is the private key of the above wallet.
Replace all of the above in the following command and run it:
Wait for the above command to run completely, it can take 2 to 30 minutes depending on your GPU type. Finally you will get the following message (if the script runs successfully):
"Drill Test Complete, machineId: <Your_Machine_Id>" **Keep this machine id intact for the next step.**
Last updated