Reward Calculator

We've employed a dual-reward system that incentivizes both compute providers and validators for their contributions to the network. The total block reward is divided between these two groups, with a predefined percentage allocated to each.

Total Block Rewards Allocation

  • Compute Providers: 80% of the total block rewards

  • Validators: 20% of the total block rewards

For instance, if the total block reward is 1440 GPU tokens, 1152 GPU tokens are allocated to compute providers, and 288 GPU tokens are allocated to validators.

Rewards Calculation

For Validators

The rewards for validators are calculated based on their relative contribution to the network, measured in terms of their "Node Score" (NS). The formula for calculating a validator's reward per block is as follows:

Validator Block Reward = (NS / ∑ NS) * (Block reward for validators)


  • Total Validator Rewards: 288 GPU tokens

  • NS of a specific validator: 5

  • Sum of NSs of all validators: 20

Validator Reward = ( 5 / 20 ) * 288 = 72 GPoints

This means that the validator with a Node Score of 5 will earn 72 GPoints per day.

For Compute Providers

Compute providers are rewarded based on the compute units they contribute to the network. The rewards are distributed proportionally to their contribution relative to the total "Compute Score".

Provider Block Reward = (CS / ∑ CS) * (Block reward for Providers)


  • Total Provider Rewards: 1152 GPU tokens

  • CS of a specific provider: 5

  • Sum of CSs of all providers: 50

Provider Reward = ( 5 / 50 ) * 1152 = 115.2 GPoints

This means that the provider with a Compute Score of 5 will earn 115.2 GPoints per day.

The GAN Chain's reward mechanism is designed to ensure fair compensation for both validators and compute providers based on their contributions to the network. Validators are encouraged to maintain a high NS to maximize their rewards, while compute providers are motivated to contribute more compute units to increase their earnings.

Last updated