Proof of Availability

Proof of Availability (PoA) ensures that machines are consistently in optimal condition and available for use whenever consumers require them, fostering reliability and preventing service interruptions. This algorithm safeguards against downtime, ensuring seamless operation and enhancing the overall efficiency of the network. This algorithm guarantees availability through meticulously ensures availability through two key pillars:

  • Real-time Monitoring: Providers are assigned tasks from consumers, throughout the task execution, the Queen node continuously monitors the provider's health to ensure the quality of service.

  • Proactive Health Checks: The health check within PoA employs the innovative Proof of Compute (PoC) algorithm, executing drill tests to assess machine readiness and reliability. Through PoC, machines undergo rigorous computational evaluations, ensuring their capacity to handle tasks efficiently and reliably. This proactive approach enhances network resilience, reinforcing its capability to meet consumer demands with unwavering performance.

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